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  • Writer's pictureKarin

Horse Show Season's Coming!

Updated: Nov 12, 2018

Hello everyone!  It is starting to warm up and I know we are already making plans for the show season and our goals that we would like to accomplish with our horses!

Many of us do not have an indoor arena to work in during the winter and are on a shortened time frame to get ready for show season. We also have concerns left over from last year’s performance. It's just natural for us go become “goal oriented” and “on a mission”.

That being said, it’s also time to reflect on your horse’s needs. We often forget that just like humans, horses can become out of shape due to lack of activity. When starting back to riding please remember you are not the only one who hasn't exercised all winter long! With the snow and mud deep and mucky, your four legged friend probably only exerted himself to get from food to water to shelter. Our equine partner has been spending his days trying to keep warm and enjoy doing nothing but "being a horse". Now - spring on the horizon, nature is waking up, and barometric change is affecting the natural order of things in our horse’s life! Concentration is a lost art, awareness is at an all time high, and the flight mode is simply pleasurable for him!

So, what’s a rider to do? Here's my answer: be patient, alert, and don’t overdo what you are working towards. Remember that in getting prepared for show season you must cover these areas for success: conditioning, concentration, understanding, and most of all - willingness.

My next few posts will include suggestions for your spring conditioning. You'll start with lunging sessions, develop a warmup and workout plan, define your goals and renew the bond with your horse!

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